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Finnvera Loan

The Finnvera Loan is intended for SMEs to finance domestic construction, machinery and equipment investments, energy and environmental projects, working capital needs and various ownership arrangements.

Finnvera Loan for investments, financing of ownership arrangements and working capital needs

The Finnvera Loan (Investment and Working Capital Loan) is intended for small and medium-sized companies. It can be used to finance domestic construction, machinery and equipment investments, energy and environment projects, working capital needs, and various ownership arrangements. 

Companies should primarily contact their bank for the planning of overall financing. Financing needs can often be resolved using Finnvera’s guarantee products as well (Start Guarantee, SME Guarantee and Finnvera Guarantee).

What kind of company is a Finnvera Loan suitable for

  • The Finnvera Loan is intended for SMEs and, on special grounds, for companies larger than an SME.
  • The company applying for the loan may be just starting its operations or an established company.
  • The loan is especially suitable for companies with fewer than 250 employees and its annual turnover does not exceed 50 million euros or its annual balance-sheet total is less than 43 million euros.

Terms and conditions of the Finnvera Loan

Applying for the Finnvera Loan

Contact your bank for the planning of overall financing.

Financing needs can often be resolved using Finnvera’s guarantee products as well (Start Guarantee, SME Guarantee and Finnvera Guarantee).

Apply for the Finnvera Loan through our Online Service.

Log in to the Online service with your personal online banking credentials or mobile certificate.

Please note that the person applying for financing must be the person responsible for the company authorised to sign on behalf of the company or, in the case of a company in the process of being established, the owner of the company. In addition to these, a person who has been granted mandates for transactions in the e-Authorizations service by the responsible person registered in the company's Trade Register can also be entered as the company's contact person in the financing application.

You will speed up the processing of the application by submitting with the application:

  • Business plan
  • Profit plan
  • From an active company, financial statements for the previous three financial years and the latest available information for the current financial year

Should you wish, you can draw up a business plan and a profit plan in the Enterprise Finland service. The results and financial plan forms are available on the Yritystutkimus ry's website (if needed).

We will contact you.

We will contact you by phone within a week after we have received your application.

Before making a financing decision, Finnvera carries out a business analysis to establish the applicant's financial situation and capabilities for repaying the loan, as well as the enterprise’s potential for profitable business. We assess your goals, strategy and development plans and the market situation.

Finnvera make a financing decision.

In addition to the scope of the project, the processing time will be affected by the coverage of the data submitted by application and any additional necessary information on the project to be financed. 

Read more about applying for financing

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