Financial planning tips for a start-up
A good business idea, entrepreneurial skills and careful planning help you start and run your business. They also help when you are applying for financing for the new company.
As a start-up entrepreneur, if you intend to get from an idea to implementation, the basics of doing business – your company's business plan in particular – must be in order. Below, we have compiled a few tips for financial planning and arranging financing for a start-up.
Finnvera's Start Guarantee for a start-up
If the bank needs additional security for a loan, the bank can apply for Finnvera's Start Guarantee on your behalf. The Start Guarantee is ideal for speeding up the early-stage activities of companies that have been in operation for less than three years.
If, for some reason, the Start Guarantee is not suitable for financing your company's project, a Finnvera Guarantee can be applied for as security for the loan.
Where to get help for setting up a business
Various Team Finland actors can also collaborate to help your company in matters related to planning and setting up business activities. Submit a contact request and we will find the best experts for your needs in the Team Finland network.
The website and Enterprise Finland telephone service provide advice on questions related to setting up a company and starting business operations.
When setting up a business, you should also consult a business advisor in the nearest start-up centre or regional business service.
Read also the Enterprise Agencies' start-up guide for new entrepreneurs.