Design and supply of a 299 MWe Biomass Power Boiler

Exporter: Amec Foster Wheeler Energia Oy, Finland
Arranger: Macquarie Bank Limited, London Branch, United Kingdom
Original Lender: Macquarie Bank Limited, London Branch, United Kingdom
New Lender: Pension Insurance Corporation, United Kingdom
Borrower: MGT Teesside Limited, United Kingdom
Exported Goods: design and supply of a 299 MWe Biomass Power Boiler
Buyer’s Country: United Kingdom
Credit: GBP 100 million CPI-linked facility
Credit period: disbursement in 3,4 years and repayment in 14,5 years
Percentage of cover: 100 %
Environmental and social classification: A
Source of environmental and social impact information (projects in category A):
Basic information as well as information on environmental and social impacts were published at least 30 days before the guarantee agreement was signed. Date of publication: 16 November 2015
Tees Renewable Energy Plant (ZIP)
International standards applied in benchmarking: EU Environmental Legislation
Contact point: environment (at)
Information published: 16 August 2016