20 Wärtsilä 20V34SG generating sets to Bangladesh

Exporter: Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Finland
Guarantee Holder: Standard Chartered Bank
Lender: Finnish Export Credit Ltd
Borrower: United Ashuganj Energy Ltd, Bangladesh
Guarantor: United Enterprises & Co. Ltd, Bangladesh
Export transaction/Goods: 20 Wärtsilä 20V34SG generating sets
Country of Export transaction: Bangladesh
Guaranteed amount: USD 22.2 million
Credit period: 8 years
Project classification: A
Source of environmental and social impact information (projects in category A):
Basic information as well as information on environmental and social impacts were published at least 30 days before the guarantee agreement was signed. Date of publication: 22.6.2015
Ashuganj 200MW Power Plant, Environmental and social compliance review (PDF)
International standards applied in benchmarking: IFC Performance Standards and relevant EHS Guidelines.
Contact point: environment (at) finnvera.fi
Information published: 16 September 2016